Erickson no your fine I like to tell you about him. its just when I first moved to Greensboro he’s been my friend ever since the first day we moved in before we moved to winston-salem. I also seen him like a little brother and he also saw me a his older brother even though I was light skin and he was dark skin we still saw each other s brothers. but remember when I told about the character Drago Infinity. Drago was the name CJ would call me and I called him cyber. we came with these names and we just stuck by calling ourselves that. the name came from when we played pretend mainly use our imagination for it. my character was based off of a teenaged boy with hybrid DNA infused with his human DNA the creature was known as the Werewolf Infinity Dragon a hybrid of a werewolf and a infinity Dragon the perfect hybrid with stength, speed, agility, reflexes, smartness, and all the elements of the dragons:
fire, water, earth, air, ghost, lightning, poison, radiation, ice, light, dark, acid, chain, corrupt, glitch, error, sword, shield, smoke, armor, and the ultimate element infinity. but also we imagined that I was able to become giant or tiny but use our imagination for the size. so he was the best friend I could have and see him as a little brother also he was he’s was like 11 years old when I was 13 or 14. so that made me like a older brother in his view and a little brother in my view.